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Template: /index.cfm:12
Execution Time: 0.482 ms
Record Count: 10
Cached: No
Lazy: No
select top 10 fname, lname, dob, email from Players
1EddiePequeno{ts '1899-12-31 22:00:00'}
2JamesHarden{ts '1968-03-14 22:00:00'}
3GlennLandry{ts '1899-12-31 22:00:00'}
4JoseRodrigues{ts '1899-12-31 22:00:00'}
5KevinSego{ts '1989-12-02 22:00:00'}
6JohnDemers{ts '1990-08-16 22:00:00'}
7AlexTavangarian{ts '1990-03-12 22:00:00'}
8Bridgitte Russo{ts '1986-02-19 22:00:00'}
9BrendenWorth{ts '1979-04-13 22:00:00'}
10JoshL{ts '1989-11-06 22:00:00'}